2118 E Olive St, Seattle, WA 98122, USA
From $400 / month
Desk description
Sublease with me! My wonderful art studio is located near 20th and Madison Street. It is on the second floor of a unique woodworkers/artist building. Woodworkers create masterful things on the first floor while painters and crafters create on the second floor. My studio is 425sq ft. I paint, mostly using acrylics so there is no chemical smell from my work. The studio has 5 windows with pull-down shades, a desk area, heat, microwave, hot pot, wifi, and some basic workout equipment such as dumbbells, mats, rebounder, and resistant bands available to use. There is a shared utility sink in the hall and a shared bathroom down the hall. The building has 24-hour access and has a security alarm set when no one is present.On the days I am not in the studio ( Sunday-Tuesday), I am seeking someone who wants the whole space to do work in, someone who craves a more inspiring and unique atmosphere other than those basic office space rentals and coffee shops. Most of the studio is utilized with my painting gear so I am not seeking another artist. I would like to offer the space for someone to mostly utilize the desk area and just have a private space to do remote work or some other kind of work that does not involve bringing in a lot of extra stuff. The studio has enough open space to possibly lay out a folding work table to spread out your work. There is potential for a variety of uses.
I am open to discussing the space and desk set-up further with the right person and am willing to work out the details with the right tenant including lease terms, duration, rent, and any additional conditions.
Mon–Fri 9:00–17:00