Best Appeals Attorneys

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After a trial, a defendant has the option to appeal the case. This is a separate legal process from the trial and does not re-try the case from start to finish.

Appeals are an uphill battle and it is important to have the Best appeals attorneys on your side. These attorneys will be able to win your appeal.

1. Expertise

A lawyer with expertise in appellate law is an asset for clients who are seeking relief from a wrong conviction or need to appeal a trial court ruling. Their specialized knowledge of the appellate process can help them present compelling arguments that will stand up to the scrutiny of multiple judges.

Expertise is the ability to perform a task or domain at a high level of performance, based on research, experience, or education. A well-distinguished expert is often a virtuoso or master in their field, or a maven or prodigy.

Appeals attorneys are tasked with analyzing case records and trial outcomes to determine whether their client’s case is likely to succeed on appeal. Then, they work with their client to develop an effective strategy that will boost the chances of winning at the appellate level.

2. Experience

Having an appellate attorney involved from the beginning of your trial can greatly increase your chances for a successful appeal. This is because an experienced appellate lawyer will know how to raise all of the issues that could come up on appeal.

Moreover, an experienced appeals lawyer will know how to identify the most persuasive arguments and how to present them in a clear and concise manner.

Best appeals attorneys have the skills to ask the right questions, review the evidence and rebuttals of a trial judge or jury and make an argument that will get you the results you deserve. They also know how to navigate the appellate courts and understand the rules and standards for success on appeal.

4. Flexibility

Appellate lawyers specialize in cases that come to appeal, usually after a trial court verdict is rendered. They typically focus on legal research and analysis, judicial procedure, and motions to convince an appeals judge that an error was made at the trial level.

Unlike criminal defense attorneys, who typically work on trial cases only, the Best appeals attorneys are skilled at working on a wide range of appellate issues and decisions. Their aptitude for legal research and analysis allows them to keep up with all of the latest organic developments in their jurisdiction or across the country, which they can use as the building blocks of their arguments.

Flexibility is the ability to move your body in a variety of positions without pain or discomfort. A flexible body can make a big difference in your health and overall quality of life.

5. Timeliness

Best appeals attorneys are smart, thorough and diligent in their work. They have to be able to thoroughly evaluate a case before they can argue in the appellate court, and they also have to be familiar with trial court procedure so that they can identify any mistakes that might be made on appeal. If you are pursuing an appeal of a jury's verdict, it is essential to find the right lawyer as soon as possible. Our team of experienced New York appellate lawyers can help you make the most of your legal rights and ensure that justice is served. Contact us today to learn more about your options for a successful appeal.



Frequently Asked Questions (Faqs) 

Q: What is an appeals attorney?

An appeals attorney is a legal professional who specializes in handling appeals, which are requests to higher courts to review lower court decisions. They have expertise in researching legal issues, drafting persuasive legal briefs, and presenting oral arguments in appellate courts.


Q: Why might I need an appeals attorney?

You may need an appeals attorney if you are dissatisfied with the outcome of a case in a lower court and want to challenge the decision. Appeals can be complex and require a specialized skill set, so hiring an experienced appeals attorney can improve your chances of success.


Q: How do I choose the best appeals attorney for my case?

When selecting an appeals attorney, you should look for someone with experience in handling cases similar to yours, a track record of success in appellate courts, and strong research and writing skills. You may also want to consider their communication style and whether you feel comfortable working with them.


Q: What should I expect during the appeals process?

The appeals process can be lengthy and may involve several stages, including filing an appeal, submitting briefs and arguments, and attending oral arguments before the appellate court. The appeals court will review the lower court's decision and either affirm, reverse, or modify it.


Q: How much does it cost to hire an appeals attorney?

The cost of hiring an appeals attorney can vary widely depending on factors such as the complexity of the case, the amount of work required, and the attorney's experience and reputation. Some attorneys may charge hourly rates, while others may work on a contingency fee basis, meaning they only get paid if you win your case. It's important to discuss fees and payment arrangements with any attorney you are considering hiring

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Published April 11, 2023