Hair Replacement System

Tagged as: transdermal hair replacement, hair replacement system.

The benefits of using a hair replacement system are numerous, including maintaining a youthful appearance, cultivating a full head of hair, and providing a youthful look. The best hair replacement systems are custom-made to match a person's hair colour, texture, and growth pattern. Although these systems can give the appearance of fuller hair, these are not a permanent solution to baldness and should be used carefully. Although some patients find the Hair replacement system uncomfortable, they often worry that the system may lose its grip.

Transdermal Cosmetic Reconstruction (TCR)

Svenson is one of the nation's top surgeons in the field of Transdermal Cosmetic Reconstruction (TCR). This revolutionary system bonds a super-fine synthetic skin to the scalp without any visible scarring, making it virtually undetectable. Svenson TCR hair replacement can give balding men and women the confidence to return to normal daily activities. Patients who undergo the procedure can even resume their regular work schedules.

TCR is generally a safe procedure if performed by an experienced physician. However, every person's physical reaction and healing ability are different. Hence, there is a chance of infection or excessive bleeding. Additionally, some procedures may produce wide scars. Also, there are risks of "stretch back" scars if tension is created during the procedure. In such a case, sedation is available to make the procedure more comfortable for the patient.

Scalp micropigmentation

For best results, Scalp Micropigmentation as a hair replacement system should be repeated every six to eight weeks. While the procedure is a permanent cosmetic solution, the pigment may scab or scale off. About 70 to 80% of the pigment remains after the first treatment. However, 20 to 30 percent may be removed during the scab removal process. Following a successful treatment, clients may notice a temporary change in appearance. The pigment will fade after 4-6 years, and patients should schedule a follow-up treatment at least six to eight weeks later.

Scalp Micropigmentation is a non-surgical procedure that replicates the appearance of hair follicles on a shaved head. It also blends scars and partial alopecia. Unlike hair transplant surgery, Scalp Micropigmentation can be done anywhere on the scalp. Moreover, it can help you cover bald spots, hypogonadism, thinning areas, and partial alopecia.

Transdermal Hair Replacement (FUT)

Follicular unit extraction, or FUE, is a surgical technique that extracts individual hairs from a donor site with very little surrounding tissue. FUE is a less invasive procedure than FUT, leaving no linear scar. The surgeon sorts and preps the hair follicles for implantation, leaving minimal extraction sites. FUE doesn't require stitches and can be completed in a single office visit. The small extraction sites heal within three to seven days.

This procedure involves removing a strip of skin from the back of the scalp. Each follicular unit is then separated with a stereo microscopic dissection instrument. These individual hair grafts are transplanted into the recipient area, where hair loss or decreasing hair density is present. Although FUT causes some pain, the procedure is extremely effective and can result in a more natural-looking appearance and a higher number of hairs than FUE.

Synthetic or human hairs attached to a thin base

Human or synthetic hairs are commonly used as hair replacement systems. Human hair wigs can last for two to three years, while synthetic hair is less likely to oxidize and more resistant to UV rays. Synthetic hair also won't absorb hair dye, making it an excellent choice for people with grey hair. Indian or Chinese hairs are also popular choices. Each type of hair has unique advantages and disadvantages.

These hair replacement systems are made from human or synthetic hairs and are applied to the scalp. Human or synthetic hairs are hand-woven into the wig. Depending on the type of hair replacement system, the base is either lace or a thin, skin-like material. The human or synthetic hair attachment is attached to a thin base and is placed on the scalp. Both types of hair replacement systems mimic the appearance of existing hair.

Published August 05, 2022