Desk space in a wonderful co-working space in Kreuzberg + monitor!
Hello everyone! I am away for a family visit for the whole of Nov/Dec/Jan and potentially February (2022) and I have an amazing and lovely desk space in Velt, a wonderful Co-working space in the heart of Kreuzebrg. The desk space has a monitor and an arm for the pc, so super comfortable working arrangement. The original price is 225 euros per months but I am happy to do it for a bit less if you are interested! I have a really great spot there... highly recommended! If you are interested, you can pop in there and check it out for your self. The people are all creatives, designers, fashion designers, illustrators and the vibe is just awesome. (My space is the one with the arrow but it doesnt show in the picture the monitor). Please email me rather than calling as I am out of the country!