Last Minute April Fool's Day Pranks

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April Fool’s Day is coming up TOMORROW and we don’t want you to miss out on this opportunity. 

Here are five last minute office pranks to do on your colleagues. 

The team prank 
Move offices or rooms. This means you get your entire team, but one person, to work from a different space all day. When that one person asks where you are all--say we’re here in the office, where are you? Don’t give in. Make them wonder, where is everyone?? Continue work as normal. (Tip: Find a work space on DesksNear.Me.)

The classic (and easy) prank 
Unplug everything--computer cords, microwaves, lamps, printers, TV’s, etc. The boss’s prank Email your staff at 5 am and say “It’s been an emergency and we need everyone at the office by 6:30 am.” (or any other uncomfortable abnormal hour for your team) Show up at your usual time but bring a donuts or some kind of snack. Your staff will be mad you interrupted their morning routine but relieved there’s no emergency. Hey? You get early bird workers for the day. 

The lazy prank (but works!) 
Put tape under their mouse--watch the confusion as they wonder why their mouse isn’t working. Give them a few minutes. Also, if someone leaves their desk, save a screenshot of their screen and make it their background. Watch as they try to click on tabs. 

The HR prank (not recommended) 
Let all the employee’s know that due to a local threat, the local authorities have requested that all employees be shoeless for the remaining part of the day as a precaution. Post any pranks you’ve done or have experienced below. 

Need more inspiration? Office Jello Prank
Published March 31, 2014

Angela Baldwin

Angela is the Social Media Strategist for Desks Near Me. She spent some time developing social media strategy for food banks, rescue missions and international nonprofits before joining Desks Near Me. Her background is in Tech, Consumer, Nonprofit and Hispanic Public Relations.