Fully serviced private office space for you and your team in Spaces 1015 15th St. with Spacesworks @ 15th Street Northwest From $821 / month reserve
Sublet space avaible for individuals and organizations with ideas42 @ 15th Street Northwest From $650 / month reserve
InCoStrat with Innovative Communication & Strategies @ Pennsylvania Avenue Southeast From $1,000 / month reserve
8 Office Suite at Dupont Circle Metro with Search for Common Ground @ Connecticut Avenue Northwest From $39 / month reserve
Small Office for 2 Desks, 1660 L St NW Washington, D.C. with Education For Employment @ L Street Northwest From $700 / month reserve
Medium Office for 4 Desks, 1660 L St NW, Washington, D.C. with Education For Employment @ L Street Northwest From $850 / month reserve